St Teresa of Avila Catholic School

Ms. Martin's 4th Grade

 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!  I hope that you had a wonderful summer and are ready to begin your 4th-grade adventure.  This week we will focus on school and classroom rules, as well as organization, safety procedures, and technical applications.  Not all assignments will be posted in Google Classroom, but they will be recorded in the student planners.  Make sure to check and sign planners daily.  An overview of weekly assignments will be posted along with tests and projects and will be listed in the appropriate Google Classroom.  You all will be receiving a letter from me that asks you to complete a task for the first day of school.  Please be sure to bring that completed task, as well as the school supplies that were listed on the school supply list that was sent home to you earlier this summer.  I look forward to seeing you on the 21st for the first day of school. Parents, I look forward to meeting you at our Back to School Night on the 24th from 6:00-6:20 p.m.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not inquire in Google Classroom, but send me an email at

Ms. Martin


For weekly updates, please visit my Google Classrooms.



Homeroom:  yain5wq

Math:  46rdro2

ELA: 4ma6ghg

Social Studies: rmv7noe

Science:  j7rnn5f

Religion: 23j5ivw


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